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World Book Week 2019

What is World Book Week? World book week is a week-long event held at JOYKIDS International Preschool. World book week was held from March 18th to March 22nd this year. This event is inspired by World Book Day which takes place in schools all over the globe. World Book Day celebrates children’s literature and fosters a love of reading in children through specialized activities revolving around children’s books. At JOYKIDS, teachers are encouraged to dress up as their favorite book characters for the first half of the week, being an example and inspiration for their students. After the students understand the concept, they are invited to participate in dressing up as their favorite book characters. This year, the teachers had a blast trying to guess who’s who among their student’s costumes.

More Than Dressing Up… Don’t think that world book week is JUST about dressing up though, we did so much more than that! Throughout the week we hosted several special guests who came to the school and read to our students. Parents, friends, and teachers all took time out of their busy schedules to come in and share their favorite stories with us, some even prepared actions and props to help engage our young learners. We are so grateful for their participation and effort. In addition to these story sessions, our students focused their attention on literature through a class art project, with each class preparing a poster that represented the performance they had prepared for World Book Week.

What Performance? In honor of World Book Week, each classroom prepared a special performance based on a classic nursery rhyme. On Wednesday, each class performed their piece for the rest of the school. Our children loved being able to put their hard work and preparation to use, as well as be entertained by their fellow students and friends.

Our Gruffalo Field Trip On March 22nd we wrapped up our World Book week with a school trip to PJ Live Arts at Jaya One to see Gardner & Wife’s production of The Gruffalo. With thrilling suspense and a heart-warming lesson this production kept our students on the edges of their seats. It was a perfect end to an amazing week-long event, leaving our students with the sweet taste of the magical places a book could take them. With such a memorable end, we said goodbye to World Book Week, and went home to plan our costumes for next year…


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