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International Day 2018

On the 26th of October 2018 we held our annual International day event to great success. JOYKIDS is an international School with a diverse student base and our International day is a time to share with one another the unique attributes of our culture that make us each so special. This year's International day was particularly colourful, including the participation of parents from over 15 countries.

Every year we prepare a theme for our International Day, this year's theme was "Love Food, Stop Waste." In preparation for the event our students learned about world hunger and measures they can take to prevent food waste at home. In line with our theme we collaborated with the Daily Bread Food Bank and held a school-wide food drive to donate to the organization. The Daily Bread Food Bank serves hard-poor families, elderly without support, handicapped, and indigenous groups. Thanks to our extremely generous parents we were able to raise over three large crates of foods and toiletries for our donation. THANK YOU to our JOYKIDS Parents!

Throughout the course of our event we enjoyed various performances by our students, our teachers, and some of our parents. The event continued with several of our students taking turns giving us a "Fashion Show and Tell", each sharing a culturally unique item with the crowd while wearing the traditional costume of their country. To finish our entertainment, we witnessed a beautiful dance by our teachers, featuring the three cultures of Malaysia, followed by a lively African dance performed by some of our parents.

Our Country booths are one of the highlights of International day every year. Each country booth represents the nationality of either students or teachers in the school. The booths feature colourful items, traditional clothing, posters, and foods from each country as well as activities and games for the children to enjoy. This year we were happy to have 15 countries represented, each booth lovingly made by parents or teachers in the school. Activities and crafts were very popular this year, with fish catching, Tipi decorating, Henna Stamping, and Wau making among the many activities available. Food tasting was equally popular among the children and adults alike, with such a huge variety of flavours it was almost impossible to choose which items to eat!

We had a wonderful time-sharing International Day 2018 with our JOYKIDS family, each member so beautifully diverse and unique. It was such a pleasure to learn about each other and get a taste of different cultures. Many of our parents left the event saying they felt like they had just travelled around the world in a single afternoon. We felt the same way and we cannot wait to do it all again next year!


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